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Writer's pictureKelsey Murray

Should Small Businesses Outsource Marketing?

I recently spoke with a small business trying to decide if they should make the jump into outsourcing their marketing. They believed it was something they could do themselves, but haven't found the time to do it. They especially struggle with digital marketing, since that requires consistent attention and monitoring. My mind was flooded with reasons to argue why a small business like hers should outsource (more on that below), but the following analogy came to mind first: we can clean our homes, but we often hire a housekeeper because they can do it quickly, do it better, and it's automatic.

For us, having a housekeeper alleviated stress for this working Mom. So, I think of a marketing consultant in the same way. Small businesses are often faced with the daunting task of marketing their products and services, but they don’t always have the resources or expertise to do it well. From creating content to managing social media, marketing can be overwhelming for a small company - and yet, it is essential for growth.

The good news is that there is an answer: outsourcing. By taking advantage of an experienced team of professionals, small businesses can create effective campaigns that deliver results while saving valuable time and money.

Outsourcing helps small businesses get access to skilled professionals who understand the ins and outs of digital strategy. Outsourcing also allows them to tailor their approach to target specific market segments, leverage new technologies, and move quickly in response to shifting trends. This type of tailored solution enables small companies without large budgets to stay ahead of their competition without sacrificing quality.

Whether you need help coming up with creative ideas for your messaging or coordinating digital ads across multiple channels, outsourcing can provide the support needed at a lower cost than hiring a full-time employee. Doing so will allow small business owners more time and energy to focus on other areas of running their business. Much like housekeepers gives you more time to focus on your family.

Here is a great article from Inc. for more on the topic:

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